The Game With Nothing On It

I found a game with nothing on it, I put it in and it looked like Resident Evil 4 but nothing was the same, must be a glitch. The game said I should kill myself, but it mentioned my name, but whatever, glitches like that happen ALL the time. Then all of a sudden, there were pictures of dead people, I almost shat myself, but that’s ok, it was just a glitch. Then, my character died, but there was no game over screen, the character just got back up and pointed at me and said, “You are next”. At this point I started thinking "wow, many glitches". I then unplugged the game, but it didn't turn off, but that’s ok cause my TV does that all the time. The character reached out of the screen. i then started thinking “I don't remember this game being 3D, must be a glitch". He grabbed me and said, “you will die". My next thought was “wow, what a graphical glitch". The game finally turned off, and I put the game away thinking “how the fuck can a game be so glitchy". I then killed myself. I don't know how I'm writing this now, but fuck the plot man, just fuck it. Remember, if a character reaches out of the TV and try’s to kill you, it’s just a glitch. Life is just a glitch and mine is over, the end, you can stop reading now. No really, its over. Why are you still here? Go.